fireqos-match - QOS traffic match


{match|match4|match6|match46} optional-match-params


Writing match inherits the IPv4/IPv6 version from its enclosing class (see fireqos-class(5)).

Writing match4 includes only IPv4 traffic in the match.

Writing match6 includes only IPv6 traffic in the match.

Writing match46 includes both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic in the match.

You can add as many match statements as you like to a FireQOS configuration. They assign traffic to a class: by default to the class after which they are declared.

The sequence that matches appear in the configuration defines their priority, with the first match being given a prio of 10, with 10 added for each subsequent match (10, 20, 30, …).

Matches can have their priority assigned explicitly with the prio parameter. See fireqos-params-match(5).

If one match statement generates multiple tc(8) filter statements, all filters generated by the same match statement will have the same prio.


match rules are attached to the parent of the class they appear in. Within the configuration they are written under a class, but in reality they are attached to their class parent, so that they classify the parent’s traffic that they match, into the class.

It is also possible to group all match statements together below the classes. This allows them to be arranged in preferred order, without the need for any explicit prio parameters. In this case however, each match statement must specify to which class it classifies the packets it matches, using the class parameter. See fireqos-params-match(5) and the examples below.

You can also write client and server statements, much like FireHOL allows, with the same service definitions. For FireQOS however, the client ports are ignored. server statements match the server ports on this linux side, while client statements match the server ports on the remote side.



    interface eth0 lan bidirectional rate 1Gbit
      class voip
        server sip
        client sip
        server myrtp

      class dns
        server dns

      class mail
        server smtp


The set of optional parameters which describe this match. See fireqos-params-match(5).


Match traffic within classes:

interface eth0 lan output rate 1Gbit
      class voip
        match udp ports 5060,10000:10100
      class dns
        match udp port 53
      class mail
        match tcp port 25

Matches split out and explicitly assigning traffic to classes (N.B. without the class parameters, all traffic would be classified into ‘mail’):

interface eth0 lan output rate 1Gbit
      class voip
      class dns
      class mail

      match udp ports 5060,10000:10100 class voip
      match tcp port 25 class mail
      match tcp port 80 class web